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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Week 4, Thing 10

I really love Image Chef!  I can make a cool picture using a photo of the class with part of a French poem they have learned and even enchance it more !  Cool!  Who said that you can't teach an old dog new tricks?  Maybe they will like French poetry a bit more if I let them play around with this....who knows?

Week 4, Thing 9

So I have spent about 45 minutes looking for something of interest from Feedster, Topix.net, Syndic.8, etc., but either the site is down or the news is about Tiger Woods and his accident at home.  I did find one interesting blog about teaching French, but it was for elementary teachers.  Whatever....

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Week 4 Thing 7

I am following Pat's Polemics! Now I just have to tell him....

Week 4 Thing 6

Howdy-doo! Another fast week of teaching gone by like a streak of lightning! I am enjoying this learning process more than I thought that I would. In fact, I am anxious to get an RSS feed or whatever it is called going so that I can keep up with some other people's blogs, particularly one by a fabulous f.l. teacher in another state!