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Sunday, July 21, 2013

  Well, it's about time that I checked in with myself !  Summer will be over before anyone realizes they haven't even been on vacation yet, and here I am, with a hundred petits projets yet to do !  Ain't life just grand?  (That's what a former co-worker of mine used to say.  She was fantastic -- a brilliant legal secretary who had been unable, way back in the day, to afford a university education.  It never slowed her down.  I think of Jane Ann often, even though I have been teaching for more than 20 years now!)   WOW !  Is it really possible that time flies by so fast?  How did I get to be a senior citizen? 
     I have a new hobby -- meditation!  I even did a deep cleansing breathing session with my best friend not long ago.  Anyone ever heard of another brilliant lady, Caroline Myss?
     More on that in my next post !  Stay healthy and keep cool! 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Look what I found (for French students)

This is vraiment cool.   Watch and Learn -- Regardez et Apprenez.

Long Time No See...

Finally, a new post!!  Lots of time has passed.  Max, my son, is a freshman, second semester, at the University of Alabama Tuscaloosa.  What a huge and beautiful campus!

Caroline, my daughter, already a graduate, is doing GREAT in the banking business.

My hubbie and I adore our 3 dogs and 1 cat and swear that we are going to start working out again.....

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Best way to teach foreign language?

Is there truly a BEST way to teach others to speak another language?  Lots of talk about this sort of thing, especially on FL Teach. 

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowed In!

Who would have thought that we would be snowed in, down here in Tennessee, home of Elvis Presley (Memphis, that is) and the blues.  Oh, well....what am I doing?  Looking at photos of Paris, what else!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Week 7, #17 - Using Wikis

Wow!  I like the multitude of choices for making and adding to a wiki, especially for classroom use.  It's a little tricky when you have several different classes that require different info, but I am sure it can be done!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Week 4 Thing 8:: Education Feeds

It's great how the hundreds of "feeds" on the Internet can be used in the classroom.  I can learn to use podcasts in French, for example, in class.  Bravo!