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Sunday, July 21, 2013

  Well, it's about time that I checked in with myself !  Summer will be over before anyone realizes they haven't even been on vacation yet, and here I am, with a hundred petits projets yet to do !  Ain't life just grand?  (That's what a former co-worker of mine used to say.  She was fantastic -- a brilliant legal secretary who had been unable, way back in the day, to afford a university education.  It never slowed her down.  I think of Jane Ann often, even though I have been teaching for more than 20 years now!)   WOW !  Is it really possible that time flies by so fast?  How did I get to be a senior citizen? 
     I have a new hobby -- meditation!  I even did a deep cleansing breathing session with my best friend not long ago.  Anyone ever heard of another brilliant lady, Caroline Myss?
     More on that in my next post !  Stay healthy and keep cool! 

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